The team did awesome last week, so we are playing in Tri-Cups on Feb 14th. Yes, I know what day this is - it's the same day that Space probe Voyager 1 takes photograph of entire solar system on Feb 14, 1990. Can you believe it? We are playing Tri-Cups on the same day in history! We are missing our secret Weapon, Tanya, in this photo since she was out of town working last week. We sure did miss her, but she was with us in Spirit. We'll get another team photo taken so we have one of all 7 of us to put up on the wall. If we do well in Tri-Cups, we are heading to Regionals which qualifies us to compete in Sin City. That's what I'm talkin' about.
This is our team, Cue's Your Daddy! Left to Right, starting from the top.
Totally Amazing Tanner, Rolling over the other players Ronnie, Noone can stop him Nick, Jack the ball up Jen, Preying on the weak Phil, Totally killer Travis and our missing anchor (who will be in the new photo), Tear them up' Tanya!
Way to go!
Wow, congrats (like I'm surprised)... :)
How did that poker spam get past your triple-moderation?
Don't forget to Jack the ball up, Jen!
I was thinking that the same day Orgeon and Arizona became 33rd and 48th State respectively;) Best of luck to you and your team!
@Renster: Thank you! You guys better be there too!
@Whall: He's not a spammer! I'll jack all the balls up! Actually that's not a good thing - they need to stay on the table. You guys going to be playing in Tri too?
@Toby: You are always so clever. You are ABSOLUTELY right about both of them becoming states. You are a walking almanac. Thanks for the kind wishes!
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