"Dear Pool Gods, I ask that you help carry us tonight. Please give us good rolls on the felt, let all of us be in the "zone", keep our cue ball on the table on the break (we all know who I am referring to on that), give us a few break and runs, an 8-ball on the break, and make sure the rails are not dead for those unpredictable bank shots that we may have to do. Keep the billiard devils away from us, no matter how tempting they are and let us make the Pool Gods proud. BTW: Is there a pool table in Heaven? If not, then I'm not going!" *smiles* Seriously, I'm looking forward to tonight and we are all going to have fun no matter what.
Tonight's our final play off game for the Fall season. Last week we won, so that allowed us to get qualified for Tri-Cups in February. Tonight is for the title - either 1st or 2nd. The main differences between the two:
1. Braggin' rights
2. A nice 2" thick billiard plaque with our team picture on it that hangs in Slick Willies. It's quite nice, solid wood backing with the names engraved.
3. 3 Inches...The smaller trophy is 3" smaller than the first place one. Important.
4. It's just plain cool to come in first as a team. We play as a team, win or lose -- we do it together. We'll have fun either way (but hope to win) *smiles*
Tonight's our final play off game for the Fall season. Last week we won, so that allowed us to get qualified for Tri-Cups in February. Tonight is for the title - either 1st or 2nd. The main differences between the two:
1. Braggin' rights
2. A nice 2" thick billiard plaque with our team picture on it that hangs in Slick Willies. It's quite nice, solid wood backing with the names engraved.
3. 3 Inches...The smaller trophy is 3" smaller than the first place one. Important.
4. It's just plain cool to come in first as a team. We play as a team, win or lose -- we do it together. We'll have fun either way (but hope to win) *smiles*
Hope the Pool Gods answer your prayer. If not, just let me know. I will have a talk with them. I have their number on my speed dial...right under Poker Gods.
So how did your team perform tonite?
@Toby: Thank you! You must of called them for me...they watched over us last night. Everyone did really great in their matches. We needed you there to take a team pic!
I want the number for the poker gods!!!!
I think I'm going to head to vegas sometime soon... Just need to pick the dates.
@whall: I'm quite jealous. Actually, I'll be up there in May for BCA National Tournament and maybe for the Jack N' Jill tourney in April if the Pool Gods carry us through Regionals at the end of the month. *fingers crossed*
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