Last night I starting getting a migraine - one of those headaches that you just don't want to move and you don't want anything in the room moving or any sounds. Anything that falls into one of those categories just made it worse. I took aspirin before I laid down, but it just continued and woke up with the headache that never went away. I took more pain medicine, then laid back down since I didn't go to work. The only thing I wanted to do was cover my head with the pillow and be knocked out. Didn't quite happen that way since it's hard to go to sleep with a throbbing headache. Not sure how to get rid of it - but I know it has to go away.
I had the exact same thing this past Saturday and couldn't even get out of bed to move. It went away by Sunday afternoon, so something cured it!
Anyway, I laid down this morning and let Boomer lay next to me since he still does that piercing whine when I crate him and that was making me want to lock myself up in a padded, white room. He did sweetly lay next to me and I saw his eyes doze off. "Perfect," I thought.
Jordan was laying down next to the sofa, Pumpkin was laying at the head of the sofa, and Boomer was laying right next to me with his paw on my arm and head against my shoulder.
Okay, I guess I should let you know I took 2 more Advil and a cold tablet just in case I was getting some sort of Summer cold (my body has some aches too, so wanted to nip this).
I shut my eyes and all I remember is waking up and seeing Boomer on the floor chewing on something. I look down and he has taking a liking to the wonderful world of telecommunications. Yep, he has seen me use the cell phone before and I guess he wanted to try it out. Perhaps he couldn't figure out how to open the phone to dial, so he just thought he'd open it with his pretty, pretty, sharp, sharp teeth. Battery is missing - assuming it's tucked somewhere in his stomach. The phone now looks like crumpled tin foil.
Lesson number #49: Never leave your cell phone near you when you go to sleep. [I left it tucked under the sofa just in case anyone was trying to reach me for anything urgent so I would hear it]
I had it about 9 inches tucked under the sofa. Not sure how his radar found it. I'm going to have to conclude that Boomer is really a Cylon, like my friend told me. There is no way that a human dog could swallow a cell phone battery and think that chewing on a metal phone taste good.
Yes Wayne, you were right. Boomer is a Cylon. You know everything...
With all of this, the headache still has just been amplified. Oh, and no one call me...
Hopefully this blog comment won't wake you up... :)
Sorry about your headache. I hope you will feel better soon. Bad Boomer! Bad! Let me get him some old phones to chew on.
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