This is pretty awesome. As most know, in 1984 - Douglas Adams released the Hitchhiker's text based version of the game and it was one of those games that could keep you glued to your Commodore 64 for days. Back in my day, computer games were text based. No sound, no graphics, just text. This kept me busy for many hours because I could control the game by simply typing text of what I wanted my character to do (and hope I didn't die). Thank goodness for floppy disk and saving the game each time I got to my next check point. This was the very first game I got for my Commodore 64 and what initially got me interested in the gaming world. Wow, then I was introduced to Bulletin Boards - and the rest is history.
BBC has laughed the 20th Anniversary Edition. *Drum roll* It has graphics!
How is this different? Well, it's very sweet. They've launched two editions with graphics - both are the same game, just a different look and feel. The cool part is if you don't want to register, you can easily save and restore your game at anytime. When you save, it stores your game in a shared directory (you create a folder name). If you want, you can even switch from edition one to edition two in the middle of a game.
Check out this new release of
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. if you have some free time - and remember to always save periodically. Otherwise you'll end up back in the bedroom.
I played HHGTG for days and weeks on end. Don Robe. Lie in Mud. Put babel fish in ear. Bring back any memories? I played while in high school at Westwood, on the x86 computers... in, oh, mustabeen 1988. I guess I was a late bloomer with that game. There was also, of course, LARN and other text-based games. Ahh, sweet memories.
*Smiles* Those were the good times. It would be nice to go back to that time. Heh, always need the babel fish.
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