My weakness falls here, I get so nervous with shots and worrying about if I am making the correct shot decision, if I'm hitting it right, the right speed, right english, etc. So many factors to make sure you pocket the ball and get your next shot. This is just within me! Now, toss into the mix these extra pressures: your stronger opponent, the pool room (music, lighting, smoke) and your current state of mind (stressful day, lack of sleep, etc).
I've heard a few different tactics for keeping calm or being about to play stronger during the match. Here they are:
1. Take a deep breath between each shot.
2. Don't think about your opponent, and just play your game.
3. Play with confidence, look confident, even if you know you cannot make a shot.
4. Practice drills before your match - get comfortable with the table speed and your stroke.
5. Have a few drinks
Ok, #5 is the one I have always wondered about. I often hear other players saying a drink or two increases their confidence level and they shoot better pool. Is that true? Or is playing pool just a reason to take a drink? (The social aspect)
I can see how a drink can relax you and make your stroke more fluid, instead of a jerky stroke which leaves you with no control over your shotmaking. I've never drank during a match because I think it would impair my game even more;).
Alcohol impairs your concentration and I would imagine it makes your line of sight a bit blurry. Even your stance would be a little off. Still, I see players shoot lights out when they have a couple of drinks vs. having none.
I can't ever see myself being able to take those couple of drinks and playing my best. I don't think liquid confidence can ever substitute for true confidence which comes with dedication and practice of the game.
You know, when you see someone walk up to a table with natural confidence - that's very intimidating and they have an advantage from the start. I guess it doesn't matter how you get it - with liquid or mental, it works the same.