Sunday, August 31, 2008
Bastrop wins 9 - 6
Noon update: Bastrop played Chelo in the winner's bracket and took the win with 9 - 6. Good match to watch. The noon rounds are about to start and some good matches are lined up. Al Mason is playing this round -- but late on his table. There is a 10 minute window for him to show...He's in the winner's bracket, so if he is not able to make it, he'll still be in the tournament. More to come...
Rick Stanley & Cliff Joyner
Both won their 9:00am matches solid (as predicted) -- so that means they will match up on their next match. Gah! This will be an extremely great match to watch. Cliff won 9 - 1 against his opponent and Rick won 9 - 6. It is double elimination, so one will move on in the winner's bracket and the other will play in the loser's bracket.
Shane Van Boening won is match - continuing on.
They play their next match at 7:30pm. You all should come out to watch...
Shane Van Boening won is match - continuing on.
They play their next match at 7:30pm. You all should come out to watch...
Sunday Morning - 9-Ball continues
Morning's 8:30am and the first round starts at 9:00am for the winner brackets. I'm very much looking forward this round. Gotta get ready to head out. Will update as events evolve...
Good shootin' and skill everyone.
Good shootin' and skill everyone.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Mr. David Escobedo - Buy up all da' players
11:01pm - David just finished up his match and won the game against his opponent. He's a "natural" according to Sue and his performance reflected that. He's the player that bought every great player that was seeded to win. I never got into a bid with him during the calcutta since he'd outbid me! Seriously, he's a great player and a owns half the players (thief) *smiles* in this tournament. I asked him how many players he bought in the auction and he shows me a full notepad. Gah!
All the players are still going strong even though it's been an extremely long day for all of them.
Ah, guess what? Wendy just showed up in her Disney Store attire with her "Wendy Manager" name tag and her Mickey Mouse lapel pin. How cute is that. Wait...why in the heck is she not playing in this event? Ah, her and Sue have the same problem...darn work. Work is such an imposition on the great things in life.
Also, the ladies event is underway and some really impressive shooting. They all must be playing with "female" cues instead of the "male" cues. They are on autopilot.
More to come...
All the players are still going strong even though it's been an extremely long day for all of them.
Ah, guess what? Wendy just showed up in her Disney Store attire with her "Wendy Manager" name tag and her Mickey Mouse lapel pin. How cute is that. Wait...why in the heck is she not playing in this event? Ah, her and Sue have the same problem...darn work. Work is such an imposition on the great things in life.
Also, the ladies event is underway and some really impressive shooting. They all must be playing with "female" cues instead of the "male" cues. They are on autopilot.
More to come...
Texas 9 Ball Update - Saturday Evening

It's been a great event so far, lots of talent and strong play throughout the day. One of the first matches I watched was Shane Van Boening play and he swept the match 9-1. He would of won 9-0 if there wasn't a scratch on the 9 on one game. This guy played unbelievable and controlled the table throughout the match.
Rick Stanley, one of my top picks, played against Shawn Putnam and both played amazingly well. It was a tough match, but Rick took control over the table for a 9-6 win. During this match on another table was Cliff Joyner, another top pick. He went against Randy Smith and it was another sweeping match of 9-1. Cliff is a very controlled player, has a perfect stroke, and dead on with his shots. I was fortunate enough to meet him earlier this morning and he was a perfect gentleman and shook my hand.
I'm glad both of these players won their matches, but if they both win their next matches -- they will be matched up against each other and this will be a verytough match. It's one of those matches I want to watch, but on the same token, would hate to watch. The beauty of this tournament is that it is double elimination, so no matter what happens, both will continue in the tournament, just in different brackets.
Also more importantly - SUE is HERE. She's not playing in the ladies event since she had to work. I can't believe they made here work today. If she didn't have to work, you know who would of SWEPT the ladies event. Yes, Sue. Ask anyone.
More updates to come...
35th Annual Texas Open
So excited.
Today starts the 35th Annual Texas Open (9-Ball) and has a total of 128 players competing in the open division. There are some strong players competing this year, including Shane Van Boening, Jeremy Jones, returning champion Sylver Ochoa, Gabe Owen, Justin Bergman, Charlie Bryant, Rafael Martinez, Ismael Paez, Glenn Atwell, Shawn Putnam and Cliff Joyner.
I went up to the event last night for the calcutta and to see the brackets. A calcutta is an auction of the players at the start of the tournament. All the proceeds from the auction are put into a pool and if the player you "bought" wins, you win the money in the calcutta pool. There were some players that went for a pretty high price, so the prize pool is substantial this year.
I saw a player shooting last night and didn't know who he was. He had stepped outside to make a call and when I was outside to get a breath of fresh air (yep, smoke-fest in the billiard hall), I asked him his name. He said his name was Cliff Joyner - wow, this guy will also be a top contender in this event. He had the most amazing control on the table and perfect stroke. If I had to choose the top winners of the event, it would be Shane Van Boening, Jeremy Jones, Shawn Putnam, Cliff Joyner, Rick Stanley, James (Bastrop) Sr., or little David.
We'll see how on or off I am.
I am getting ready to head out there soon and will update this blog as the matches are played.
This is a really amazing event that only happens once a year here, so if you get a chance, stop by and you'll see some of the most amazing live pool with the talent here this year.
Also, the ladies event starts tomorrow and there are some strong women in this event too. I'll update you as that unfolds as well. My goal - play this event one day. It's open to pros and amatuers, but it's not an event to play in unless you have been practicing day and night to prepare for this 2.5 day event.
I do wish all the players good skill - after watching them for 4-5 hours last night, it could be anyone's title to take. Good luck all.
Today starts the 35th Annual Texas Open (9-Ball) and has a total of 128 players competing in the open division. There are some strong players competing this year, including Shane Van Boening, Jeremy Jones, returning champion Sylver Ochoa, Gabe Owen, Justin Bergman, Charlie Bryant, Rafael Martinez, Ismael Paez, Glenn Atwell, Shawn Putnam and Cliff Joyner.
I went up to the event last night for the calcutta and to see the brackets. A calcutta is an auction of the players at the start of the tournament. All the proceeds from the auction are put into a pool and if the player you "bought" wins, you win the money in the calcutta pool. There were some players that went for a pretty high price, so the prize pool is substantial this year.
I saw a player shooting last night and didn't know who he was. He had stepped outside to make a call and when I was outside to get a breath of fresh air (yep, smoke-fest in the billiard hall), I asked him his name. He said his name was Cliff Joyner - wow, this guy will also be a top contender in this event. He had the most amazing control on the table and perfect stroke. If I had to choose the top winners of the event, it would be Shane Van Boening, Jeremy Jones, Shawn Putnam, Cliff Joyner, Rick Stanley, James (Bastrop) Sr., or little David.
We'll see how on or off I am.
I am getting ready to head out there soon and will update this blog as the matches are played.
This is a really amazing event that only happens once a year here, so if you get a chance, stop by and you'll see some of the most amazing live pool with the talent here this year.
Also, the ladies event starts tomorrow and there are some strong women in this event too. I'll update you as that unfolds as well. My goal - play this event one day. It's open to pros and amatuers, but it's not an event to play in unless you have been practicing day and night to prepare for this 2.5 day event.
I do wish all the players good skill - after watching them for 4-5 hours last night, it could be anyone's title to take. Good luck all.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
You wonder how Chris Ferguson slices those bananas?

I think I have it figured out. I found these cards today and as soon as I saw them, they were a must have. Not a "I will think about it", or "I'll come back later", or "Do I really need these?". It was a very simple decisions - MUST have.
You've seen the Chinese throwing stars in those Kung Fu movies or at a local "Kick your butt because I'm a Ninja" shop. The Chinese stars have been around for centuries and mainly used by ninjas. The way that the starts differ from a knife being tossed is that the Chinese stars are supposed to provide the same impact, but with the option to hit your target no matter which side it lands on. These are just like those, but disguised extremley well to master the art of deception and concealment.
These are 5-pc Stainless Steel throwing cards designed as a "Royal Flush" in hearts. These cards are incased in a black nylon carrying case with see through window that folds for small compact carrying and with Velcro closure.
So the next time one of you peeps steal my money on the table, I might need to get it back when I turn into a ninja and toss the Royal Flush cards your way. So if you want to use one, just let me know - I have 5 of them with 4 to spare *smiles*. Note: Chris Ferguson didn't really use these cards. He really uses a deck of cards - he's just really swift with his throw!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Silent Alarm Clock

For those of you who know me, know that I am late to everything. I'm late to bed, late to get out the door, late to eat, late to most any event that's i'm attending. I'm never purposely late, it just seems like time flies faster than I can seem to keep up. There's always something interesting that peaks my attention and I get routed to whatever is popping up at that time. This leads into my interest in this conception alarm clock.
I normally set two alarms. One is my standard annoying alarm clock that has this horrible buzzing sound that is the worst sound I can imagine. In addition to that, I set two alarms on my cell phone that are 20 minutes apart. Those phone rings are right up there with mr. annoying alarm clock. So every time I'm in deep sleep, those alarms are going off just as I lay my head down. Funny how that happens.
There is a new clock coming out that is a pretty cool concept. They are wireless rubber rings with an integrated vibration device that generates a tactile alarm and are quite sexy in the way they look. Sleek silver grey and/or black with the word "Silence" engraved on them. The way they work is you put one on your finger and as the set alarm time hits, it jolts you lightly with vibrations to shake you awake (heh, I rhyme). The way to get it to stop is you shake your wrist to get the ring to stop buzzing, which acts as a snooze bar. Once it goes off again, you have to shake harder for it to stop buzzing and it gets progressively harder and requires more movement to turn it off, forcing you to get up so you don't have to deal with it.
The clock comes with two bands and you only need to wear one and your spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend/bedmate can wear the other. That way you can set two different alarm times and you both can sleep in until your bracelet goes off. Thoughtful.
I think I might become immuned to the vibrating rings and might need to wear two of them. How fun is that?? *smiles*
If you want to check it out, visit Johan Brengesjo's website at: He's a smart industrial design engineer that not only has a some really cool gadgets, but is also a very talented musician:
Speaking of late, I better get to bed - morning shall be here soon. Goodnight all.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Iorgov Custom Cue
Last week I had my cherished Lucasi cue with it's Predator shaft, cue case, and my buttons and patches stolen. I've been playing with that cue for the past 3 years and when you have had a great tool that is used religiously, it's tough to not have it. I know I can easily get another cue, but finding a cue that feels the same, hits the same, looks the same, pretty tough. For those of you that shoot with your favorite cue, you know exactly what I mean and feel.
I have a friend that knew someone that made custom cues. I've never had a custom cue, but was definitely open to looking at the cues. I saw three that I instantly feel in love with. Next, was to hit with them to see how they hit the balls and how they felt when I stroked with them. It came down to two that shot really solid. I ended up choosing the lighter weight of the 2, feels like a 18oz, but it may be 19oz. It's a gorgeous birdseye maple cue with a darker wood on the base. The shaft is a TerminatorShaft3, which is very similar to the Predator shafts, which minimizes cue ball deflection. After shooting with it a bit, I realized what a solid hit, good feel, and minimal deflection it had -- pretty darn close to the feel of the Predator.
I did lose my match on Thursday shooting with the new cue. I don't blame it on the cue, gotta blame it on the player. We all know a good player can shoot with a broomstick! I lost by making mistakes that I had complete control over. I had to win 3 games to my opponents 2 games. I won one game, then shot the 8 out of turn on the 2nd, and then shot the 8 ball in on the 3rd -- while scratching. Gah! So lost my match. Double frakkin' gah!
Overall, I'm thrilled with the new cue and going to look for a great case to protect it. It's going to be my new "baby" and I need to treat it right. Playoffs are in two weeks, so I have a little time to get it broken in...look forward to being the lucky person who gets to play with the Iorgov custom cue. He does great work and if you are interested in a beautiful cue that hits really well, just let me know and I'll give you the contact of the person who can show you the cues.
Good shootin' all.
I have a friend that knew someone that made custom cues. I've never had a custom cue, but was definitely open to looking at the cues. I saw three that I instantly feel in love with. Next, was to hit with them to see how they hit the balls and how they felt when I stroked with them. It came down to two that shot really solid. I ended up choosing the lighter weight of the 2, feels like a 18oz, but it may be 19oz. It's a gorgeous birdseye maple cue with a darker wood on the base. The shaft is a TerminatorShaft3, which is very similar to the Predator shafts, which minimizes cue ball deflection. After shooting with it a bit, I realized what a solid hit, good feel, and minimal deflection it had -- pretty darn close to the feel of the Predator.
I did lose my match on Thursday shooting with the new cue. I don't blame it on the cue, gotta blame it on the player. We all know a good player can shoot with a broomstick! I lost by making mistakes that I had complete control over. I had to win 3 games to my opponents 2 games. I won one game, then shot the 8 out of turn on the 2nd, and then shot the 8 ball in on the 3rd -- while scratching. Gah! So lost my match. Double frakkin' gah!
Overall, I'm thrilled with the new cue and going to look for a great case to protect it. It's going to be my new "baby" and I need to treat it right. Playoffs are in two weeks, so I have a little time to get it broken in...look forward to being the lucky person who gets to play with the Iorgov custom cue. He does great work and if you are interested in a beautiful cue that hits really well, just let me know and I'll give you the contact of the person who can show you the cues.
Good shootin' all.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Great Poker Quotes

Here are some great poker quotes - hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
- Poker is generally reckoned to be America's second most popular after-dark activity. Sex is good, they say, but poker lasts longer.
-- Alfred Alvarez (2001) - Limit poker is a science, but no-limit is an art. In limit you are shooting at a target. In no-limit, the target comes alive and shoots back at you.
-- Crandall Addington, Texas oil millionaire - I believe in poker the way I believe in the American Dream. Poker is good for you. It enriches the soul, sharpens the intellect, heals the spirit, and - when played well, nourishes the wallet.
-- Anonymous - Once you start thinking you have nothing left to learn, you have everything to learn.
-- Steve Badget - Try to decide how good your hand is at a given moment. Nothing else matters. Nothing!
-- Doyle Bunson - Poker is a microcosm of all we admire and disdain about capitalism and democracy. Poker can be rough-hewn or polished, warm or cold, charitable and caring, or hard and impersonal, fickle and elusive, but ultimately poker is fair, and right, and just.
-- Lou Krieger - A person should gamble every day, because think of how bad it would be to walk around being lucky and not know it.
-- Robert Turner - With spots quadrangular of diamond form, Ensanguined hearts, clubs typical of strife, And spades, the emblems of untimely graves. --William Cowper
Monday, August 11, 2008
Fusion Tables

The table is marketed as easy to put together. You can choose a wooden line or metal line, along with your choice of felt.
The beauty of this table is that it also has optional casino game cloths - heh, how perfect is that? Today, great products need to fit people's lives and address their needs for mememorable times and precious times.
Their website shows great photos of the table and a nice little PDF of the product. In fact, the site tells everything but the price. So I'm guessing that means the price of the table is going to cost you a pretty penny or multiple pretty pennies. Start saving...
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Some things are just plain sexy

You can order these pre-cut and ready to go or in a solid sheet and hang on the wall in your game room or poker room. I could definitely see this hanging on a wall (my wall).
They actually have a ton of uses, so investing in the cards would be worth it.
- Artwork for your gameroom
- Tossing them at bananas to slice them in half without being the cool Chris Ferguson
- Mirror to put on your favorite lipstick
- Just staring at them because they are just plain pretty
- The list goes on...
Heh, I'd even like to have some fun and run through an airport checkpoint with them in my pockets, my purse, my jacket, and my duffle bag. Ah, the lovely sound of "Beep, beep, beep, beep" -- "Ma'am, can you empty your pockets".
These bad boys run about 150.00 for the set or as "Artwork".
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