I'm trying to go to bed and for the past hour Boomer has been whining in his crate. He sounds like he's dying and has the highest pitched sound. I know it's a natural survival skill for dogs. I'm sure my upstairs and next door neighbor are absolutely loving this. They usually let me know by stomping on the floor. Yikes - sorry neighbors.
I have to ignore him to let him know who is alpha. I did take him out for a bit around 12:15am to see if he would calm down and go to sleep next to me and he just wanted to jump and play. He ran out of the bedroom and was pretty quiet - ut oh...know what that means. He's into something. So I get up and go to the living room. Yep, he's playing tug o war with one of my t-shirts (but in silent mode).
I put him back in the crate and put a cover over the crate and the whine fest starts all over again. I tossed one of my t-shirts in the crate so he has something to play with. It breaks my heart - but I know he's testing me. Mr. Boomer, you are not gonna win (yet).
His appointment to get neutered is on July 2nd. I'm thinking this will calm him down a bit - if I was a guy, it would definitely take me back a notch *smiles*
I'm going to take him out for some running after work tomorrow night - guessing a tired puppy is a happy puppy. Hmmm, as I'm writing this - there is silence for the first time in an hour. Now I should prolly quit typing and sneak back into bed before he wakes. Goodnight all. *softly walks back to bed*
Wow, I'm going to get to bed by 12:45am - it's an early night!
Good nite to you.
Definitely - a tired dog is a happy dog. I would guess that kind of breed, at that age, needs a minimum of two (2) massively tiring episodes of playing and/or walking.
Maybe you can call ?
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