One of my girlfriends who moved to Ft. Worth sent me an email the other day letting me know the Hunter Classics Women Tour is going to stop in Austin at Fast Eddies. She's coming down to play and we are going to play it together. She's awesome on the table and I have a feeling she will do well in this. This will be our very first time to participate in this event, so I'm excited to play in it. Most of the women that play are tough on the felt and I'm no where ready to play with them, but it will surely be fun to try.
The tour hits Austin on January 27th and 28th and if any of you pool lovin' gals are interested in playing, let me know and we'll make arrangements to make this a girl's weekend event! The entry fee is $30.00 and the annual membership fee is $20.00. The beauty of this is the point rankings start at the beginning of the calendar year, so the Austin stop will be the first of the year. The next one is in Lake Jackson, TX in March which would make a good road trip for us. *hint hint*
Just the thought of playing makes me nervous...but it's the good kind of nervous.
"It's more important to practice good shot making than it is to practice making shots."
Best of luck to you! And my brother's wife's family is from Lake Jackson, so we know some folk when you decide to go on the second leg.
What kind of dress code is this?
"No blatant show of cleavage or midriff skin, including when bending over the pool table. " And I thought I would come check it out. Boooo!
Are you doing any specific practicing to prepare? Does your private lesson teacher have good advice or any tips on what to focus on? What are you looking to get out of the tournament? A placement? Experience?
I am so flattergasted (read: flatter and flabbergasted), that I can hardly type. My friend, you are going to kick some serious butt in that tournament in January! You must have faith in yourself, gwasshoppah! Oh, yeah, and I might be coming in from San Antonio...
Best of luck tomorrow.
Good luck today!
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