I have to mention that it's been over 1 week since any of my things have been mutilated beyond repair. Can you believe something so cute is possible of such?
I still wake up each day and let my eyes peruse the room to see if anything is missing or destroyed. It's been a wonderful one week without anything missing (usually find in the backyard shredded) and nothing at home being torn to shreds.
I'm so proud of Boomer...*smiles*
sounds like that one song
"it's been...
one week, since you chewed at me...
one week, since you took everything I own of value and made it all mush-ey
one week, said I'd run you out of the house because you don't chew your chew toys and instead you shread up my important clothes and furniture"
something like that, right?
*laughing hysterically (inside)* This is so true...geez, you a mind reader.
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