Over the past few years, you have heard about people getting arrested for using open WiFi access and is it really a crime that deems getting arrested?
I just read about a guy in Chiswick, West London, that got arrested for using someone's open (yes open) WiFi network. The cops saw him sitting on a wall using his laptop and they proceeded to ask him what he was doing. He admitted he was using someone's wireless connection to browse the web. In the UK, it's considered a violation of a communications law and a computer misuse law - which makes no frakkin' sense. Heck, in Singapore you can get 3 years in the slammer. Yikes.
This guy wasn't physically trespassing on the property and the owner of the WiFi has it open. What's the real issue here. If the owner really wanted it closed, he would of closed it. It lies in the access point owner to secure their WiFi connection.
It's all radio waves, so when will the cops start arresting folks who use their neighbor's light shining through the window to read a book or newspaper from the street? It's the same thing right - radio waves or streams of light emitted from someone's property and hitting public areas.
In conclusion, I find it interested that cops would go around asking random people on their notebooks, "are you using unsecured wireless access?" Um, "Oh yes, officer, I'm sitting her using someone's unsecured wireless access..yes sir, I am."
Personally, If I was aquiring the wireless connection from a neighbor or other outside source, and was asked that question...well, I would just say, "I'm browsing the web." Enough said.
Now if I was honest and they arrested me...I would be sitting in a jail cell and my friendly cell mate would ask, "What are you in for?". I would reply, "I was on the internet." *giggles*
Note: I did "borrow" the WiFi image above.
can I borrow your blog?
Ok, sir - you will be arrested.
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