First group pictures are from Episode 6, Season 3: Torn
Second group pictures are from Episode 5, Season 3: Collaborators
If you are looking for an unbelievable series, Battlestar Galactica is a must. It's the best sci-fi TV ever. Not because it's merely great science fiction, it's great TV.
It's in it's 3rd season, but you can always catch up with the past season by purchasing the 2 past season's sets. You can also download the shows from iTunes if you don't have cable and don't have the time to go out and buy the DVD sets. It airs on the Sci-Fi channel at 9:00pm.
It's in it's 3rd season, but you can always catch up with the past season by purchasing the 2 past season's sets. You can also download the shows from iTunes if you don't have cable and don't have the time to go out and buy the DVD sets. It airs on the Sci-Fi channel at 9:00pm.
Be good. Spread the word.
I saw S2 and S2.5 at Costco. I couldn't really figure out the difference. Does 2.5 have all the episodes of S2?
Season 2.0 has episodes 1 - 10 on it, and Season 2.5 has episodes 11 - 20. I think they should of just had one DVD released for all of season 2.
See it! Love it! Buy it!
I still haven't watched a single episode of BSG because in general, I can't feel I can invest myself in a show unless I can really dig deep. I need to be able to see all the episodes.
Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis? I got deep (and still remain deep) into them. I have to see the episodes each week. I know the story, the characters and get immense enjoyment on them.
Music? I own every YES album. They can't come out with something without me purchasing it. Same with Steely Dan, Rush, Moody Blues, and a couple of others.
I immerse myself into the things I watch or listen to, and since I don't get a lot of time, I can't watch BSG unless I start from the beginning.
Ok, fine. A friend from work lent me the first Season DVD set (which includes the miniseries), so I will give it a try. God help me if I get into yet another series. Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, NUMB3RS and Guitar Hero. Do I have room for another taker of my time?
ooooh, you are a good man! I PROMISE you will not regret it. I'm not sure how you will fit it in with your schedule though. I think you should cut your work week from 120 hours to a mere 110 hours a week. I doubt you will actually do that though;) You will somehow fit in the show, plus prolly increase your work hours!
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