Another bonus – it’s right off of 6th and Lamar which is right across the street from Austin’s yummiest Ice Cream establishment, Amy’s Ice Cream. You all know I love me some ice cream. Heavenly.
The reason I went to Book People tonight is because John Hodgman and Jonathan Coulton made a stop in Austin (the final stop) during their tour. How lucky are we ladies and gents! John Hodgman is hilarious and you can see him on the Daily Show. He’s a great writer from New York. He did a book signing for his new book, The Areas of My Expertise, and was so friendly in person. He just didn’t do the “sign-n-go” thing. He actually would shake your hand, give you a hug, take a photo – pretty much anything you wanted.
He was very sweet and asked me my first and middle name. He signed it like this:
To Jennefer Leee (he said he had to put three Es in my middle name although there only two) – maybe to keep it consistent with the 3 Es that are in my first name? He asked if I spelled it like that my whole life. I said, “Yes, it’s that way on my birth certificate.” He just gave a nice smile and nodded. Then he scratched out his name in the book and rewrote his name in the book like this:
John Hodgman
Maybe he liked the color of the marker or really liked writing his name.
Then he drew the H in Sunrays sign like this:

Then at the very bottom he wrote this:

The main main main reason I went there was because Jonathan Coulton was going to be there too! He’s a great songwriter and writes the funniest lyrics. He’s 10x funnier in person. I had him sign his CD and when he asked my name, I said, “Jennefer” and he replied, “Did you get my email I sent to you?” He remembered me! We’ll it was only a few days ago – but still pretty cool he remembered.
He signed it like this:
Jennefer: All E’s! Awesome! Then scribble scrabble his signature.
Best part of the evening. I asked him how much was his CD and he said, “Ten Dollars.” I said, “Do you take credit cards because I don’t have cash on me.” He smiled and then said, “I can take a check and there’s no tax.” *winks* “The government’s not getting of this!” Too funny.
Again, everyone check him out and get his music!
Nite all…